Add numeric Conditions to Text type column in Filter By Conditions

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2664e890>

I am trying to evaluate if Hands on Table will be a good fit for my requirements. I could not find this setting anywhere. What I want to do is have some specific set of consistent filter (contains, does not contain, begins with, ends with, greater than, less than, is empty, is not empty) across all columns regardless of what type of data those cells contain. My data fluctuates a lot so it might be alphanumeric at various points. Also I handle all my filter through my backend. So my question is how do I add/remove what sort of filters appear on a column not specific to the column type?

Any help will be appreciated, Thanks,

Hi @irock4u79

The set of filter_by_condition is not alterable. If you have different types of data you get different types of filters. If you set type: 'text' to all of the columns filter_by_condition would show the standard set of conditions to all the columns. You can still use a validator on a text cell type

Alternatively, you can create a custom dropdown menu with custom options, but that requires more coding than using type: 'text' for all of the columns.

Would that suit you?

I looked into the custom type but nowhere could I find the settings to change the set of filters available. Can you perhaps show an example? Thanks

Unfortunately, as mentioned above

The set of filter_by_condition is not alterable.

It means that filter by condition option (or dropdown many key) will show the following set of options (for text cell type)


Showing only some of the predefined conditions is currently unsupported.