Angular material

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dd50e80>

I am using Angular 6 and Angular Material. I have just set up a Handsontable like this:
<hot-table class=“handsontable”

which works fine until I wrap it in an angular material tag like:

the results are not what I was expecting. Some elements of the table are hidden and others are far down the page.

Hi @dwaynepatel

we have been reported about an issue related to Material before. Can you please share a demo where the issue can be replicable? I’ll check if that’s only a matter of styling or we need something more.

the button appears at the bottom of the page:

<hot-table class="handsontable"
  <button (click)="addData()">add Data</button>

Hi @dwaynepatel

I would need to have a working demo (JSFiddle, CodePen, Stackblitz) to send it to our Angular developer. Please share.