Enabling manualColumnMove and hiddenColumns displays Empty Values in Column (PRO)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f13688cbbf8>


Using the handsontable PRO version 1.1.1 I am having an issue when enabling manualColumnMove and hiddenColumns in the configuration, here is the detail:

Assuming I have a table with 5 columns [A, B, C, D, E], I adjust the column positions to [1,2,3,4,0], getting the expected results, but now I am also hiding the column [2], what I would be expecting is to see [B, C, E, A], that seems to be correct in the headers, but the content displays an empty content for all the rows in column “C”.

hot1 = new Handsontable(table,{
  data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(100, 5),
  colWidths: 50,
  colHeaders: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
  manualColumnMove: [1,2,3,4,0],
  hiddenColumns: {
    columns: [0]
  persistState: true,
  rowHeaders: true,
  dropdownMenu: true


Here is a fiddle with the issue:

Thank for report @gabriel_vazquez it looks like a bug.

Thanks @aleksandra_budnik for your quick response, Do you an estimated time for the solution?

I will raise a question about this issue at Friday (when we have a weekly team meetings) and I’m back with any updates.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik, Do you have any update about this?


not yet, but it is reported in our internal ticketing system for Handsontable PRO.

Hello, I work with the reporter and I want to highlight the fact that this bug is a blocker for us to release our product. So getting a viable date for the fix is important. If going the route of opening a paid support request (using per-incident pricing model) will help with this, please let me know.

Hi @mzampetti tomorrow is a new release. Hopefully this one will get fixed too - I’m monitoring this issue and I will let you know if something is changed.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

I just updated the PRO version 1.2.0 in the JSFiddle created and seems it is still not fixed with the last release.


Do you have an estimate when this is going to be fixed?


Thanks for update @gabriel_vazquez I shared this information with our programmers.

So what is the path I can use to escalate this issue? This is a major issue for our product, and I’m willing to consider many avenues to resolve this. But I need Handsontable Team to be clear on what is require to raise the priority and get better visibility into a resolution to this feature.

hi @mzampetti if this issue is stoping your team of releasing product or to move further in programming I can recommend to write to us at hello@handsontable.com and choose development on demand.

I would like to ensure you this issue will be solved in defined time but we have schedules for other issues as well. Development on demand allows you to push your issue to the foreground.

Issue fixed with the version 1.3.2