Explicitly Setting/Updating Height of Table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2661b760>

I just got this warning emitted in the console:

 * TIP
 * Performance tip: Handsontable rendered more than 1000 visible rows.
 * Consider limiting the number of rendered rows by specifying the table height
 * and/or turning off the "renderAllRows" option.

regarding setting a solid height on the table, I can see the property on the { ...settings } options that get passed into the constructor for the

new Handsontable( el, { ..., height: 450 } )

however, I’m wondering how to reset this value for Handsontable if the window size changes. I am monitoring this size, so always have the value available, but I can’t see any Core API property methods for updating the value.

How might I do that? Thanks!

Hey Phil,

I think that you can reset the height by referring to window size like here https://jsfiddle.net/AMBudnik/hkmoujax/

Hi. I’m also getting this message and have checked and all three tables on my page have a height:700. Why am I getting this message?

Can you share a demo with your settings, @sports.racer?


Of course I’m not seeing the message with the fiddle, but this is essentially the setup I have on my app.

I do not see the error as well. Without a demo that produces an error, I won’t be able to investigate it. Maybe it depends on the window size. JSFiddle has it’s own window/tab structure and in this case, it seem to be crucial difference.