Formulas state

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c48328c8>

First, your product is very interesting.
But (always ‘but’)) I can’t understand situation with formuals: I saw discuss with @jon and as I understand you has removed formulas support in free version (december 16)? Is it right now (deceber 17)?
Your prices are not very high for commercial products, but formulas are very critical component and now I can’t to demonstrate table with formulas to my customer.
Please, explain how can I test formulas?


I’m not sure why you are writing about this now. I don’t believe the situation has altered recently.

My discussions with Hot support about formulas are in No afterSetCellMeta event when a comment is created (1.8.1) and Formulas support . These were in December 2016, a year ago.

Up to Hot 0.25 (December 2016-ish) formulas were a feature in the Free version. They were described as “Beta”, and used Rule.js for their implementation. Cell references did not work correctly in all cases, and I did my own additional work to get them correct.

After Hot 0.25, formulas were removed from the Free version. It was announced that Rule.js would be dropped and some kind of re-implementation undertaken. We were told to await the new formulas, in the Paid version only.

A year has gone by, and as I understand it the new formulas are still in a “Beta” stage.

For my own part, I could not manage with the abandonment of formulas from a “spreadsheet” application I was committed to, and so personally I have stuck at Hot 0.25 and not taken any updates.

I believe the above summarises the situation, unless anyone corrects me.

Of course, I’m newbie in JS world but I can’t understand - why? They are doing not a bad product, but remove main feature… Strange.
jon, hello and thanks for your answer. I just try to understand: can I use this product in my future projects or not?[quote=“jon, post:2, topic:1615”]
My discussions with Hot support about formulas are in
Yes, I read it before ask here.[quote=“jon, post:2, topic:1615”]
A year has gone by, and as I understand it the new formulas are still in a “Beta” stage.
This is sad, because one year is significant time in programming world and in JS is much more.[quote=“jon, post:2, topic:1615”]
For my own part, I could not manage with the abandonment of formulas from a “spreadsheet” application I was committed to, and so personally I have stuck at Hot 0.25 and not taken any updates.
Yes. Formulas are also key element in my future js application, so I’m looking for solution.
Spreadsheet is “spreadsheet” without formulas, I think.

Now a conclusion is don’t use ready solution and create my own “from shit and sticks”( But after assembler + WinAPI in 90s it’s not a difficult job )))

jon, thanks again.

Thank you for your input @jon. You are still the first person to contact after we add the Formulas to CE version. Believe me, I am really sad that I cannot share any precise day.

As I wrote before it won’t change before we will be able to push a stable version. As soon as we publish something in alpha or beta users are sharing a lot of comments and issues. And that’s fine. But most of them do not accept that the project is marked as beta. It just needs to work. We just cannot do the same mistake again and publish another beta.

I have been told that formulas will be updated in January-February 2018. It takes so long as the developer who is directed to finish formulas also does our website server-side integration (with a higher priority) and this year was full of those changes.

I know that maybe I did not give you any valuable information but I just wanted to let you know what is going on inside our tasks system and what you can expect.

If you have any additional questions I’ll do my best to provide you some guidance.


Thank you for your reply to me.

I think however it is really to the OP that you need to respond, as per his question starting this thread. I was only clarifying to him what I understand the current situation to be wrt formulas because he had mentioned me in his post.