[GH #2628] Cell showing #ERROR! afterSelection

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19cadce8> #<Tag:0x00007f8b19cadb80>

I’m trying to use formulas here but when I start with ‘=SUM(’ and select any cell then the cell showing #ERROR! instead of ‘=SUM(A1)’ or value if A1.
Using React.JS with handsontable. here is code:JSFiddle

import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
import { HotTable } from ‘@handsontable-pro/react’;
import Handsontable from ‘handsontable-pro’;
import ‘handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.css’;

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
var editedRow = null;
var editedCol = null;
var firstRow = null;
var firstCol = null;
var lastRow = null;
var lastCol = null;
var result = null;
var toAdd = null;
var enteredData = null;

    this.hotSettings = {
        data: [[]],
		minRows: 10,
        minCols: 26,
        colHeaders: true,
        rowHeaders: true,
        contextMenu: true,
		minSpareRows: 1,
		minSpareCols: 1,
		manualColumnResize: true,
        formulas: true,
        selectionMode: 'multiple',
    afterSelectionEnd: function (r, c, r2, c2) {
       var selected = this.getSelected();
            var cell = [];
            for (var index = 0; index < selected.length; index += 1) {
                var item = selected[index];
                var startRow = Math.min(item[0], item[2]);
                var endRow = Math.max(item[0], item[2]);
                var startCol = Math.min(item[1], item[3]);
                var endCol = Math.max(item[1], item[3]);

                for (var rowIndex = startRow; rowIndex <= endRow; rowIndex += 1) {
                    for (var columnIndex = startCol; columnIndex <= endCol; columnIndex += 1) {
                        firstRow = this.getRowHeader(startRow);
                        firstCol = this.getColHeader(startCol);
                        lastRow = this.getRowHeader(endRow);
                        lastCol = this.getColHeader(endCol);
                        	if ((startCol === endCol) && (startRow === endRow)) {
				cell.push(firstCol + firstRow);
				} else {
			                cell.push(firstCol + firstRow + ':' + lastCol + lastRow);
			var filteredCells = cell.filter(function (item, pos) {
				if(pos > 0){
				   return cell.indexOf(item) === pos;
            toAdd = filteredCells.join();
			if ((toAdd) && (enteredData && enteredData.indexOf('=') === 0 )) {
				if (enteredData.indexOf('(') > -1){
					enteredData = enteredData.split('(')[0]+'(';
					result = enteredData+toAdd+')';
					this.setDataAtCell(editedRow, editedCol, result);	
					enteredData = '=';
					result = enteredData+toAdd;
					this.setDataAtCell(editedRow, editedCol, result);	
		afterChange: function (changes, source) {
			if (source === 'edit' || source === 'paste') {
				enteredData = changes[0][3];
				editedRow = changes[0][0];
                editedCol = changes[0][1];

render() {
    return (

export default App;

Hey @sharma.kapil1989

Handsontable does not support copying the cell coordinates. You can only type coordinates of cells directly in a cell editor.

I’m just update cell data using setDataAtCell with formula. Its working afterSelectionEnd but while I’m selecting other cells, the previous cell where I edit ‘=SUM(’ showing #ERROR!. But when I release mouse button Its showing correct result. And cell showing correct formula as well.
I’m getting error only while selecting cells.
Sharing a video url Here !

For ex. 1st screenshot while selecting cell

2nd screenshot after selected cells

You cannot leave the editor before finishing the formula. It means that when you click any other cell, the editor closes. The feature that you are looking for is called point-and-click and it hasn’t been developed yet. Here is a topic that you can follow https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/2628