How to export nested header table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b25f4e6f8>

I’ve a HandsOnTable having nested headers. Now I’m trying to export it as CSV file, but it is showing the headers as:-
instead of the actual nested header names.

Hi @chandjo725

currently, nestedHeaders do NOT export. The colHeaders are exported instead.
We should add this ability in the next version of export Plugin.

I will write it down as a feature request.

Thank you for sharing this ticket.

Hi Aleksandra,
I was little bit busy with my other stuff. Now I got the time and
I’ve done the code for exporting nestedHeaders handsOnTable to CSV.

Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

Great news. Thanks for an update :slight_smile:

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Hi Aleksandra,

May I ask if this export nestedHeaders feature is being supported in export Plugin now?

Sorry, not yet @gorfange

currently you can export only one level of headers.