Reloading HOT in same table with new data

Hi all. I’ve recently implemented features wherein the values of the HOT are periodically refreshed after one of various functions intended to delete column headers execute. However, despite reloading in the same container in which the original container was loaded, elements of the original container, notably the rowheader, remain. Additionally, some elements, such as the ht_clone_left are expanded to ridiculous heights, occupying over 3000 pixels when only several hundred are required to display the table in full. Attempting to clear the innerHTML of the container div prior to loading the handsontable, equipped with new headers and data, in the same container essentially reproduced this issue:

Additionally, when reloading the table with new values, cell values corresponding to the old table remain.

After fooling around for a while, I came across the “updateSettings” method, which allows roughly the same arguments(which is to say associative array values) as the init method. I had previously been declaring a new handsontable within the container space. Everything now functions correctly, sorry for the inconvenience.

happy to hear that, @patthebureaucrat

feel free to open a new ticket if needed.