[GH #4441] TypeError

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b257cee78> #<Tag:0x00007f8b257ce630>

Continuing the discussion from Getting error while focusing a cell in Handswontable

shall i send a screen shot for the browser settings?

If i click on any handsontable cell, In console below screenshot error i’ll be displayed.

Can you share a demo or a zip where the issue can be replicable?

sorry mam i can’t able to create a demo

Without a demo I won’t be able to help as there is no possibility to debug it. Maybe you can share a screen shot of your settings (handsontable initialization)?


I have one more question, If we have 10 row, I need first 5 (this 5 row are not fixed, depends on my database objects, this may be 3,4 or 5 ) rows should be readOnly after 5 row are editable .

If you have an array of indexes for cells that should be readOnly you can iterate throw them with setCellMeta method.

If you have any related demo. Please share.

Sorry I do not have one but I can help you if you’d have any issue or additional questions while developing it

In this demo, First 3 rows in column 0 are read only.
In this example they are calling updateHOTSettings() method inside ngAfterViewInit() method it’s working fine, but in my application i’m trying to call updateHOTSettings() method after getting data from database, my application is struck.

I am sorry but this exceeds my capabilities as a Support Manager. This does not relate to any issue report.

I can schedule a code review from one of our developer, however, please notice that this is a commercial offer (unless you own an Extended Support plan for Handsontable Pro). If so please write me directly at support@handsontable.com


Using afterSelection how to prevent drag option for specific column.

I’ve tried the below code…it’s working fine. Thank u

afterSelection = (row, col, row2, col2) =>{
const hot = this.hotRegisterer.getInstance(this.hotId);

if(row2 === 2)

Hey @krishnappa

I am sorry but not it might be really hard to code. There’s one topic that may help (here https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4441) but it hasn’t been scheduled yet.


If i enter a text that should be display in upper case. how to do that in handsontable.

Sorry can you explain the request further?

If i enter a small later ’ a ’ that should be display in capital later ‘A’ like this i want.
*) If i enter any character that should be display in capital laters

Haven’t we discussed this subject before @krishnappa

I believe that I had the same question 2-3 days ago.

The answer for your need is a custom editor. We do not have any API to change the size of letters. We use typical <input>.


If i try to implement in my application i’m get error like this.TEXTAREA and this.TEXTAREA_PARENT,
My question is, In which object these properties are there? (means how to access these property accept ‘this’ key word);