[GH #5996] What happened to the filter plugin members documentation?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28e070f8> #<Tag:0x00007f8b28e06fb8>

Up through 4.0.0 the docs for filters (and other plugins) included not just the methods but also the properties of the plugin:


Starting with 5.0.0 those docs no longer exist, only the methods are shown:


However inspecting the plugin at runtime I still see those properties. Why was the docs for them removed? Was that intentional? It seems some important API is lost without the properties, in particular the conditionsCollection is the only way (I know of) to get the current state of filters (there is no method equivalent like getConditions()).

Hey @abeall

We hid those option (as they’re private) intentionally. But you’re right - they are still working. Our CTO told me that we should consider adding a public method that will support that. We’re storing data that may change in the properties so we shouldn’t expose it.

I’ve created an issue for it on Github. If you’d like to add something there please leave a comment https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5996

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