What is the best way to modifying the cell value?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23c34ca8>

What is the best way to modifying the cell value? Like I am using the render function which is much faster but if I do the same operation to update the cell value via after change method it is to slow?

Welcome @preet.saxena

it depends on the time (when to change) and amount of changed data. If you want to keep other data underneath and show different result than the renderer is the best choice.

I want to chande the handson data as well.

To load new data you can use setDataAtCell (single values) and loadData (bulk load). Once the data is loaded ad you need to change how it looks you use a custom/built-in renderer.

Load data will lead to blur the validation and all the setting will need to provide again.

Can you share the code (I don’t need the data,only the structure) in the JSFiddle?