A vertical scroll appears when opening child rows. HotTable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc654193b8> #<Tag:0x00007efc65418ff8>

Good afternoon, I encountered the following problem. A horizontal scroll appears in the HotTable, where it should not be, because the width allows it not to be displayed.

This problem occurs when opening child rows, when a vertical scroll appears because of the opening.

When you open the next row, the table is redrawn and the scroll disappears. But if you close all the child elements and reopen, the horizontal scroll appears again.

I suspect that this problem is related to the appearance of vertical scroll, the table shifts slightly.

In the case when the table is rendered already with a vertical scroll, the horizontal scroll does not appear



Hi @andrey3746238

Thank you for contacting us. I can’t reproduce the issue with a basic configuration of parent-child rows. Would you be able to show the problem in a code demo?

Hi, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this table in the sandbox.
But I may have found a solution. Can you please tell me how I can track the table resize event, or when the event when a scroll is added to the table.

Hi @andrey3746238

I understand. Unfortunately, our API doesn’t provide any hooks to listen to those events, so the only way would be to catch them natively through JS methods.