Accessing hotInstance

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1db5b5a8> #<Tag:0x00007f8b1db5b3c8>

It seems like we don’t export the HotTableClass from HotTable anymore? I’m using @handsontable/react

I’m accessing the instance before as this as

import HotTable from '@handsontable/react';
const hotRef = React.useRef<HotTable>(null);

Hi @r.evangelio

It was a bug in v. 14.1.0, but that was fixed in 14.2.0. Can you please upgrade to this version and confirm if that helped?

@adrian.szymanski I am using 14.2.0 and I still get this error. I switched on using the HotTableClass type provided instead of the HotTable type and now it works, but it seems like it’s not the proper way.


I tried locally with 14.2.0 and I couldn’t get the same results as you. Can you please share a code example, where this is replicable?

Hi @r.evangelio

Please share the details needed so we can replicate the issue.