Add package to NPM

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c6cc5dc0>

To install regular Handsontable version run npm install handsontable and for PRO it is npm install git+ssh://

This setup does not work. It assumes that all development environments have SSH key required to access the package. It makes extremely difficult to integrate the package in the CI and make it available to every developer working with the project.

Use license to control package usage. You are not going to stop people from using illegally your package (just search online, there are plenty of websites offering to download your script pro version). It seems pointless restriction thats hurting only the paying users.

Hi @gajus

your’re right, taking into account that there are hundreds copies of Handsontable Pro on GitHub, there’s probably no point in keeping the code private on our side. Thanks for your feedback, that actually only reinforces our skeptical thoughts about the current process of downloading and installing the commercial version.

Would you like to discuss it further with us? Should we keep the MIT version and commercial one (both published on GH) or maybe merge them into one package and release under some free for non-commercial license (no more MIT version)? What do you think would fit your needs best?