Sorry for my poor English, but I am having trouble with the following and would appreciate your help.
I am getting the same error as the link below, but can’t I use the setDataAtRowProp function to have data that is not displayed in the columns for each row element with object type data?
What I want to implement is to add rows to object type data that contains columns that are not visible to the user.(I want to display only the necessary data to the user, and identify rows with invisible data in the front-end processing.)
Setting up data in the constructor works fine, but when adding rows later, for example, the error in the link below is thought to occur because the columns are not visible to the user.
Is the only way to handle this kind of case is to use the updateData function to replace all the data?
Also, if you have any best practices for implementing the above separately, we would appreciate it if you could share them with us.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.