afterColumnSort parameters don't seem to match documentation or typings file

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b26568138>


Logging out the currentSortConfig and destSortConfig results in the first argument being the Hansontable instance and the second argument being the current sort config.

The handsontable.d.ts file shows:
afterColumnSort?: (currentSortConfig: object[], destinationSortConfigs: object[]) => void;

Hi @bfelda

Thank you for sharing. We have been reported about this topic. It relates to Angular 6.0+
Unfortunately our Angular developer is now on WebSummit so he’s not able to change it.

ps. there’s also one related issue

I just got a message that it has been changed intentionally
Sorry for misunderstanding.

Thanks for the update! I’m cool with the change, but the handsontable.d.ts file doesn’t match that signature. Original question shows this.

I have allowed myself to copy your tip to the issue from my first message