afterOnCellCornerDblClick not work in angular

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60a8bae8> #<Tag:0x00007efc60a8b9a8>


I have use afterOnCellCornerDblClick => not work
i has config it: afterOnCellCornerDblClick() {console.log(“it is not work”)}
or: afterOnCellCornerDblClick(event: MouseEvent) {console.log(“it is not work”)}
or: afterOnCellCornerDblClick: (event: MouseEvent) => {console.log(“it is not work”)}

while more events operates normally

Hi @vuongle.angular

It seems to work well in the fiddle

What version of Angular and Handsontable do you use?

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I have test demo. And i double click at cell it is not work

Oh It seems like afterOnCellCornerDblClick is not used to click on rows.

I want to solution when double click on row.
Please help me!!!

I used angular 16 and handsontable ^13.1.0

That console in JSFiddle sometimes does not work I recommend using the browser console, instead. Even though for the latest Chrome, both consoles work well for me

But yes, if you want to get the even when the user double-clicks to open a cell editor, then there is no dedicated hook for that. You can use the afterOnCellMouseDown and check if the editor is opened via getCellEditor.

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i write function is check dbl click, it is OK :d :v:
i will call it after mouse up
tks U :smiley:

That’s a great idea!