afterRender fired multiple times

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28d12418>

I want to make the afterRender hook fired only by the render method, is there only way to solve it, my code like this

var m = function() {};
var flag = 0;
var hotSettings = {
    afterRender() {
        if (!flag) {
        m() // triger multiple times 
       flag = 0;
var hotInstance = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(id), hotSettings);
flag = 1;
hotInstance.setCellMeta(row, col, 'className', cell.className);

I am sorry for keeping you waiting,

Have you already made a progress on that task?

solved it, I changed my method. But I meet some other problem.
that I want to use formulas plugin,but I found it cant sum correctly, for Example I copy/paste data from excel, and the data with comma. in this situation it can’t sum correctly.

now, My solution is that I change the number with comma into normal number in the beforePaste hook,but it shows the normal number, however i want to show number with comma. that means custom render in certain cells, not column or row

Can you share a demo with the recent progress and input/output data? I’ll check if there is something we can do about it.


I am sorry but formulas do not support formatting yet. That is why the cell B4 is shown as 3 instead of 3,000. You’d need to use a custom renderer to show it as 3,000