Angular 4 & Handsontable-pro features

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we are really interested to use Handsontable within one of our new projects.

We manage to draw a simple tab using the Angular Wrapper but we cannot manage to implement some simple “pro features” to work, such as ‘filters’ or ‘dropdownMenu’… we want to try those before considering to buy a licence.

I saw in another post that you can send us a Angular 4/Handsontable-pro sample project, I think this will help us in order to understand what is wrong with our config. Could you send the sample to me ?

Thank you

Hi @yoann.pons

Sure. I’ve sent it to you via the e-mail address you used to create the forum account.

I will need to find a more convenient way to put it online in the future.

Let me know if you’d need anything else.

Hi Aleksandra,

thanks for the sample project, it works well on our side.

Unfortunately, we still cannot make Pro features work on our project.
It is an Angular 4 project built with jHipster (webpack).

By the way we are still convinced that HandOnTable pro is the library that we need, could it be possible that I send you our project sources so your team can have a look ?

Another option would be that you create a sample project generated with jHipster (webpack), could be useful for the whole community.

This would be great, thank you.

I am not familiar with jHipster, however, I can try to check what’s causing the issue in your app. Can you share it, please? You can send it at Just please refer to this forum topic in the email.

Hi Aleksandra,

thank you very much, I’ve just send the e-mail.

As I already said, I personnaly think that it would be easier for you (so you don’t need to bother with our source code) and more useful for the whole community, if you manage to make a working sample on a brand new generated jHipster project (angular4/webpack), which is a great tool by the way.

Hoping to hear from you soo.


Thank you for the email Yoann.

Hello @aleksandra_budnik.

Could you please send our way the sample project too? We already have the pro license, but have run into lots of issues.

Also, any word on how the final version of the angular wrapper will be released? Or how stable would you say the current beta 3 version is in terms of feature coverage?


Hi @ccrsoftwarelicenses

Sure. I just send you an access to the file.

Our developer who has made the wrapper is currently doing some fixes for the vanilla version, but as far as I know after that he’ll be able to fix some bugs in the Angular wrapper.


I am a pro customer as well. Can I get access to the sample project?

It has been several months since the last update to the Angular wrapper. Is there a timeline when more development will be done? It would be great to get some guidance from HOT to when we can expect a fully featured Angular pro wrapper.


@aleksandra_budnik Can you please answer my questions?

Hi Tom.

The developer who has made the wrapper should return to the project in January (maybe a little bit sooner).
We were waiting for feedback from the community and as we have gathered a long list of tasks on the Github board we are ready to push the project to beta or stable version.

@ashish.khandelwal Thank you for the answer. Can you send me that sample project?

We are having many issues enabling the pro features in the Angular wrapper and I would like to get it resolved. Does the Angular wrapper even support the pro version? Do you have a working sample? This is a big problem for us at the moment.

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@aleksandra_budnik Can you please answer my questions?

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Hi @tom1

Should I send the demo to the same email address that you took to create the

@aleksandra_budnik Yes please and thank you.

That’s no problem. It will be the first thing to do on Monday.

@aleksandra_budnik I still have not received the sample project.

Hi Tom, sorry for keeping you waiting.
We took nearly 2 hours yesterday to make it works, but after angular-cli’s new version we are not able to make Handsontable PRO work with the angular wrapper. We will update the wrapper on the beginning of 2018.


Can you still send me the sample anyways? I have been asking for well over 2 weeks now.

I dont understand how the free version could work but the PRO version does not work?

This is quite urgent for us to get this working. Handsontable provides instructions to make the angular wrapper work with the PRO version, but only to find out it does not. Its quite disappointing that it does not work.

Is there anything that can be done to expedite this?

The handsontable road map indicates the angular 2 wrapper would be complete in 2017 but from what I can tell, it is far from complete. Customers (like me) have used the roadmap to plan future and current development. Now we will have a project that will likely be late due to the delay.

So can you or someone else at handsontable provide a clear answer as to when we will receive a working angular 2 wrapper? You have indicated January (or maybe sooner) and now your latest answer if beginning of 2018 (more vague). I would like to get a clear answer.


Tom… were you able to get Pro working on Angular 4 or 5 ?

Let me know…

