Angular 4 & Handsontable-pro features

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@aleksandra_budnik Yes please and thank you.

That’s no problem. It will be the first thing to do on Monday.

@aleksandra_budnik I still have not received the sample project.

Hi Tom, sorry for keeping you waiting.
We took nearly 2 hours yesterday to make it works, but after angular-cli’s new version we are not able to make Handsontable PRO work with the angular wrapper. We will update the wrapper on the beginning of 2018.


Can you still send me the sample anyways? I have been asking for well over 2 weeks now.

I dont understand how the free version could work but the PRO version does not work?

This is quite urgent for us to get this working. Handsontable provides instructions to make the angular wrapper work with the PRO version, but only to find out it does not. Its quite disappointing that it does not work.

Is there anything that can be done to expedite this?

The handsontable road map indicates the angular 2 wrapper would be complete in 2017 but from what I can tell, it is far from complete. Customers (like me) have used the roadmap to plan future and current development. Now we will have a project that will likely be late due to the delay.

So can you or someone else at handsontable provide a clear answer as to when we will receive a working angular 2 wrapper? You have indicated January (or maybe sooner) and now your latest answer if beginning of 2018 (more vague). I would like to get a clear answer.


Tom… were you able to get Pro working on Angular 4 or 5 ?

Let me know…



Hi @jwrascoe @tom1

Our developer @swistach is working on an Angular wrapper.

After Angular-cli has been updated we do not have any officially supported way to use Handsontable PRO inside the wrapper. That is why I cannot share a demo - it won’t work.

Please be patient - the wrapper is still in BETA version and some top features or implementations might not work.

Hi @jwrascoe and @aleksandra_budnik

I did get it to work. I have at least 20 hours into this problem. Thank you for finally sending the sample. Its only been close to a month since I’ve originally asked.

However in the console window I’m seeing this message “Evaluation version of Handsontable Pro. Not licensed for use in a production environment.” So I used the licence key which was provided to me and put it in the setting object passed to the grid. But I still get this message.

Upon further research, I determined the angular wrapper does not support the license key property on the settings object. See this file

So its close, but still not ready for prime time, since I wont be able to get this message to disappear until the developer actually starts working on this again.

@aleksandra_budnik I will ask this question again, since it remains unanswered.

So can you or someone else at handsontable provide a clear answer as to when we will receive a working angular 2 wrapper? You have indicated January (or maybe sooner) and now your latest answer if beginning of 2018 (more vague). I would like to get a clear answer.

Hi @tom1,

I’m glad you managed to make it work finally.

As you can see, we were the first to open this topic about making Pro features to work using the Angular wrapper.
Actually, after spending few hours trying, we decided to put this on standby waiting for an update from the Handsontable team but we are clearly interested to know how you make it work… what did you specifically do to make it work ?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


One of our developers is currently working on the Angular project but as it is still marked as beta wrapper we do not have a tight schedule.
I have asked him to update me with all the changes so I can keep you updated but as it’s programming it takes some time and bunch of tests and approaches until we make a step further.

We got this working in angular 4. We simply followed the sample provided by Handsontable support. It meant downgrading the version of angular, which was not a big deal for us. Key files to pay attention to are main.ts, polyfills.ts., angular-cli.json and package.json. If you follow exactly what the sample is doing, then you should not have a problem “enabling” the pro features. But be warned it only enables the pro features in demo mode.

The demo mode problem we have now is in the console window and below the grid after it renders is this message "Evaluation version of Handsontable Pro. Not licensed for use in a production environment.

See my previous comment in this thread regarding the fact the angular wrapper is not coded to support the pro version. Its quite disappointing to find out. We have been using this product for several years but lately it seems the quality and level of support is lacking.

Can support help out us out with this demo mode problem?

I suppose eventually we will see this wrapper working. HOT is giving the community the impression that this wrapper will be functional, but the timeline is up in the air. It would be great to get a clearer answer on a timeline but every time I ask, the answer keep getting more vague. HOT mentions it is being “worked on” but the project has not been updated in over 3 months.

@aleksandra_budnik Can the community get some help on this demo mode problem I am having? Are others facing this same issue?

Thanks @tom, we will look closer to the specific angular version the sample is based on.

@yoann.pons @tom1

I have upgraded my application with Angular 5, using HandsOnTablePro, It is working fine, the PRO features are also working. Thought of sharing the set up:

polyfills.js => import ‘handsontable’;
tsconfig.json => “paths”: {
“handsontable”: ["…/node_modules/handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.min.js"]

//Import in component
import { HotRegisterer } from ‘angular-handsontable/index’;
import Handsontable from ‘handsontable’;

Angular: 5.1.1
@angular/cdk: 5.0.1-2436acd
@angular/cli: 1.5.4

My package has “handsontable-pro”: “^1.14.2”, “angular-handsontable”: “^1.0.0-beta3”,
“angular-numbro”: “^1.5.3”,

@sumathi.vellaisamy Are you getting the demo message?

“Evaluation version of Handsontable Pro. Not licensed for use in a production environment”

I’m wondering how I can get rid of this message. Does anyone else get this issue? I am a pro customer and using a valid license key.

@aleksandra_budnik does not seem to be any help with this issue.

@tom1 My application in developement, yet to apply license key. Hence I am getting that demo message.

Thanks @sumathi.vellaisamy. Please let me and others know how it goes once you attempt to apply the license key.

Hi everyone!

Sorry for my absence. Is there anything I can do for you now?

yes can you look at the issue with the license key??

Can you contact me on the email @tom1 (
As the issue may be related to licence-key number/validation we shouldn’t keep the conversation on public.