Angular 6 + Modal = no context menu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1ada3660>

Hi, I’m using Handsontable in my projects, and have an issue with the context menu

I’m using Angular 6 + Angular Material, and when using Handsontable in a Material modal dialog, the context menu doesn’t work

On inspecting the DOM, I can see that the popup exists, but it seems to always be hidden behind the modal window.

I’ve tried increasing the z-index but that doesn’t appear to work.

Anything else I can try?

Hey @escape1979uk

Have you checked our Material related issues?

and the one that sounds pretty similar to yours Angular MatDialog doesn't render properly if opened from context menu callback function

To be honest we did not take steps to test Material while building the wrapper so I highly encourage to test it and read the provided issue.