AngularJS ngHandsontable value change event

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc7093d1e0> #<Tag:0x00007efc7093d0a0>

Hi, Is there any event in hot-table (for Anglar 1 or Angular JS) which occurs when any cell value is changed either by typing or pasting the value. I tried “afterChange” but it seems to be for other purpose.

Please see below for example in which change event can occurs if price value is changed.


Hi @zeeshanef

Thank you for contacting us. The afterChange hook is made for this purpose. I modified your example: It will register and log any change within the table. You can see the following informations logged: row, prop, oldVal, newVal

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Thanks @adrian.szymanski

Looks like afterChange hook is for the said pupose.

but it is not working when I define custom event name as following:

<hot-table hot-id="hottableExample"
			   contextMenu: false, 
			   afterChange: AfterChangeGrid1

//controller part:
$scope.AfterChangeGrid1= function (changes, source)

But when I keep the event name same as the property name so its working i.e. “afterChange: afterChange”

Hi @zeeshanef

When I tried to define it separately it also works correctly: Please modify this example to match your settings if needed.

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Thanks @adrian.szymanski issue resolved.

Hi @zeeshanef

Thank you for the update. I’m glad that it’s solved. I will close this topic now.