Any way to track individual cell's by unique ID?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d345440>

I have it so that my HoT cell’s will change background color after a user edits them, using afterChange, and the cells property. It works fine and dandy and I put a lot of work into making it work with some other functionality for our project. But I just realized now that we need to have the tables be able to sort, insert row, or remove row and this renders my work moot. Because in afterChange, I am tying the highlighted cell to a state array tracking the row, and col of that cell so that I can the table which cells to highlight when I close and open the table again (for persistence).

Problem with insert and remove is they mess up the mapping for my state array, the row properties aren’t accurate anymore. Is there unique id of a single cell that I tie my highlight to instead of the shifting row, and col?

Hi @vtruong74

You can try the physical indexes using toPhysicalColumn and toPhysicalRow.

Worked great, thanks!

Happy to hear that. Thank you for an update.
I am closing this issue.