Hi ,
We want to migrate to Handsontable 11.0.1 and the package.json has the following entries:
“handsontable”: “^11.0.1”
“@handsontable/angular”: “^11.0.1”
But we see compilation errors for Handsontable.renderers.DateRenderer and andsontable.renderers.DropdownRenderer. The IntelliSense in the Visual Studio code does not show DateRenderer and DropdownRenderer in the popup, but shows other renders. In previous version (8.1.0) we had no issues with these two and the IntelliSense in the Visual Studio code showed DateRenderer & DropdownRenderer along with other renderers. But not in version 11.0.1. Also please note the path …\node_modules\handsontable\renderers does not show DateRenderer and DropdownRenderer but shows others like baseRenderer, numericRenderer,autocompleteRenderer etc.
Please confirm if version 11.0.1 supports these two, although did not see any migration- documentation which discusses about renderers.