Auto write back on database

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e11380>

handsontable is great! I started to study it today but I have a question: it is possible write on database new values each time one (typing) or more (pasting) cell is edited?
It could be more confortable if optionally popup message shown when focus is lost let user to confirm/dismiss changes.

It is possible to do this with actual release?

Let me know if yes and how.


Hi @filippobesana

Welcome to our forum!

Regarding saving data when it is changed (edited, copy/paste, autofill) you can check this tutorial (with a demo)

When it comes to the popup - could you share more details about it?

Thank you. I seen this page but is not so clear for me.
If i guess ‘save.json’ file is a data output file in JSON format.
If I got it right, when I press ‘save’ button no file are generated despite console show ‘Data saved’ message.

My question regards how to store modified data in a relational database using , for example, one or more INSERT INTO SQL instructions.

Could you point me to a smart solution?

Thanks in advance.

As a creator of a front-end library, we do not want to force any approach and that is why we also do not share any tutorials on that process. But I found a similar topic on StackOverflow that can help