Autocomplete column, not visible

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc62655a80> #<Tag:0x00007efc62655850>

Hello, now I am studying handsontable and try to implement it within my site.
I successfully add a handsontable, and set a column type as autocomplete. It is binded with array from ajax request. It works well.

My problem is, when I have only one or two empty rows in the table, the autocomplete column list is not properly visible. In fact, if the handsontable height is short, autocomplete list height is reduced to the height of handsontable. It does not overflow out of the table, like I see in many autocomplete example in this site.
I think I can correct css of handsontable but I have no clue. Any advice to resolve my trouble? I didn’t make any correction in css…
Thanks for your help.

Hi @ouisinon

It seems that the issue might be related to one of those listed on the GitHub board

depending on your setup.

Hi @ouisinon

Can you confirm that of the issue is related to one of the listed? If not, we’d need to ask for a demo to replicate the issue.

Hi, Thanks for sharing previous topics, but I don’t think I found solution from those threads…

No worries. I will investigate the case. I would just need a little help with a demo. Would you be able to share some code where the issue is replicable? You can use this demo, apply changes, and fork it.

Hi @ouisinon

Is the issue already fixed? I haven’t had an update from you regarding the demo.