Autofill does not send formula to onChange handler

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc729f7d68>

Using Handsontable 9.0.0, @handsontable/react 9.0.0, and hyperformula 0.6.2, I create this single 2x2 table.
return <HotTable
afterChange={(changes,source) => {console.log(changes)}}
formulas= {{engine: HyperFormula}}

When I type “=A1” into cell B1, the afterChange hook is called with
changes = [0, 1, “”, “=A1”]
as expected.

However, if I then select B1 and drag the Autofill handle to fill into B2, the afterChange hook is called with
changes = [1, 1, “”, 1]
when I would expect it to be called with
changes = [1, 1, “”, “=A2”]
since the contents of B2 are indeed now “=A2”. The new value entry of changes seems to be the calculated value of the source from the autofill.


Hi @nykamp

Thank you for reporting this case.

I have added the report to our Github board at and will notify you once we solve it. One of our developers is working on a similar task and maybe he will be able to solve both of them at once.

Hi @nykamp

I have good news. The mentioned issue works well in the newest version - 12.4.0.

Here you can read more about the changes.