Better site icons?

Right now, I have a window with 17 HoT tabs open:

It’s kind of difficult to differentiate the HoT ones:

The answer is:

     ^            ^           ^
    Docs         Blog       Forum

Could the icons give more of a clue?

Maybe change the square to D, B, F ?

I realise this is a bit pedantic :laughing:

They all need to be H :stuck_out_tongue: but the coloring differ, so changing the colors to make them equal is not a bad idea.

@wojciech.czerniak what do you think?

C’mon, they look like they’re easily distinguishable by the color already :thinking:

Maybe they look too similar to GitHub … (look towards the end…)

I guess that it did not convinced Wojciech so I need to close the topic.

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