Big data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c73782f8> #<Tag:0x00007f51c7378168>

I’d like to know the maximum number of rows Handsontable can manage. For example, can it handle a million records? Would working with large data sets cause any issues?

Hi @ykifahh

Handsontable does not set any limits on the number of rows and columns. In fact, the amount of data you can pass depends on the browser’s performance. However, to improve your application’s performance, you should follow these rules:

Additionally, I recommend trying to change the values in the helper for data generation in this demo:
Currently, it is set to 100 rows and 10 columns.

Thank you for your prompt response. I attempted to input 1,000,000, but it only displayed a blank page with no result. Do you have any recommendations for handling over 1,000,000 rows of data?
Best regards.

1,000,000 rows of data would be too heavy for the browser. I recommend paginating data on the server side. If that is not possible you can also do that on the front-end. It is not that effective but it works. Here’s an example You just need to follow rules from and find the best data chunk size to provide good UX.