Cell calculations on nested rows

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e4d920>

I haven’t found anyone reporting anything similar. I’m trying to run formulas in a HOT with nested rows. It appears to be running the formula for the N number or “parent” rows, but not running for “__children”.

Can you confirm? Am I doing something wrong? Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Here’s a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pt1a3uyt/

Hi @jcallaway

it runs for children as well. If a cell has coordinated like (row, col) it can be used in a formula.

If I add =C3*2 in EAC (here at 5th row) column I get 800 which is OK with the following dataset

It appears to work on update, but not on initial load, as shown in the fiddle. Is there something else that is needed?

If calling setTimeout or instance.render() won’t help there is nothing else that we can do.
We have been already reported about an issue of string formulas (the one that doesn’t convert into formula). However, the Formula plugin is still in alpha stage and we do not plan to upgrade it in 2017.