Cell Editor overflow if data is large

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b26700978>

Hello Team,

Is there any way to keep the cell editor in its same cell instead of overflowing to next cell and even outside the handsontable itself ? I will have huge data entered in each cell and this overflow of cell editor is not appealing. Please let me know if we can fix this.


Hi Vani,

Tha editor takes all available space for the table.

if you define that the table has to have

width: 300,
height: 200

the editor will look like the example above and the input won’t overflow the scroll.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

Thanks for the reply. Although would it be possible for the editor be placed in the same cell where it is being edited? I mean the editor overflows vertically in the same column, instead of overlapping next columns.


sorry but there is no API that supports editor placement or size

Ok understood thanks @aleksandra_budnik for your help.

You’re welcome @vanivkulkarni