Cell validation with Help text or tooltip

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6d3c3a28> #<Tag:0x00007efc6d3c30f0>


I was looking into a way to show a tooltip when cellValidate is not fulfilled (when returns false).

Looking into the forum I found something interesting:

Unfortunately, I could not find an updated article to reproduce this behavior in latest react version:

Can I have an example of it or is there a new way to do it in the newest version :)?


Hi @jlsuarezcabrera

Did you check this demo https://jsfiddle.net/guvbs4r0/1/?

The logic is quite compact in this case. We apply a comment each time afterValidate indetifies a cell to be invalid.

  afterValidate: function(isValid, value, row, prop) {
      const commentsPlugin = this.getPlugin('comments');
      if (!isValid) {
        commentsPlugin.setCommentAtCell(row, prop, 'Invalid cell');
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I haven´t seen it.
It looks perfect! I would improve some styles and use it :slight_smile:


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I added the code to my solution more or less like this:

 afterValidate ={(isValid, value, row, prop, source) => {
                if (!isValid) {
                  let hot = this._hotRef.current.hotInstance;
                  const commentsPlugin = hot.getPlugin('comments');
                  commentsPlugin.setCommentAtCell(row,  hot.propToCol(prop), 'Invalid cell');

For some reason, it shows an error in the comments plugin on Chrome:

Looks like _classPrivateFieldGet(_editor, this) returns null.

Have you experienced this before?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @jlsuarezcabrera

Please try the setRange() method as in

commentsPlugin.setRange({from: {row: 0, col: 0}});
ref: https://handsontable.com/docs/react-data-grid/api/comments/#setrange

so it should be

commentsPlugin.setRange({row: row, col: row});

I could not add exactly the same but more or less like this is my code now:

afterValidate ={(isValid, value, row, prop, source) => {
                if (!isValid) {
                  let hot = this._hotRef.current.hotInstance;
                  let commentsPlugin = hot.getPlugin('comments');
                    from: {row: row, col: hot.propToCol(prop)} as CellCoords,
                    to: {row: row, col: hot.propToCol(prop)} as CellCoords,
                  } as CommentsRangeObject);

I am still getting the same error message:

Is it correct my approach? I am trying to set the range using the object because we are using react.

Hi @jlsuarezcabrera

I got the same issue but then realized that I did not pass the comments: true to the setup (I did not enable the plugin itself). Maybe you have the same issue.

Here’s a working demo in React simplified https://jsfiddle.net/dqhzmexo/1/

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That was the fix! Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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Great! So the case is closed.

Wish you a great weekend.

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