I want to show different data based on value from a dropdown. However after changing value of dropdown, the previous data is still visible in the cell along the custom dropdown.
Changing option from drop down doesn't get rid of previous data
Can you please show us a simplified demo of how you exactly updating the data? That would be very helpful.
I have two sets of data and depending on the state of “dataType” it loads data in the table.
Hi, it looks like this case would require a code review. Please, let me know at support@handsontable.com what your licenseID is, so we can check your current support plan and see if it contains code review service.
Here is the link to the code. Although react state isn’t working in this code, the rest of the code is same.
Hi, thanks but demo doesn’t work, it shows a few errors and doesn’t load. Anyway, we still need to get the information about your support plan. Do let let me know on mail I sent you in the previous message.