Changing the background color of a cell when editing (custom editor)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51bfbad7f0>

Hi again :slight_smile:

I am trying to add a background color to a cell when it is being edited. Right now it is ether:

  • Stuck on white when I try to change the background color style
  • Not removing the old value when I apply a class to the input with background color in css

I think that going the first route seems maybe easier so I made this fiddle and was wondering if anyone has an idea on how I can get the background color of the cell to change while I am editing. Thanks!


I think the easiest fix is adding background-color to .handsontableInput

.handsontableInput {
background-color: YOUR_COLOR_STYLE;

Thank you for your response George. My problem with this technique is that I actually need the background color to change dynamically depending on the row and col index, so I need to either apply a different class or change the background color if the colIndex exists in a dynamic array. I updated this fiddle to show my technique


That’s probably you are using setValue(), which gets called after you edit the value and leave the cell.

Maybe something like this?


Here’s Aleksandra.

@george1 thank you for help
@eastmanmarcusc is there anything you miss or have additional questions?