collapsibleColumns collapseAll conflict with columnSorting

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23f24788>

This’s the minimal example based on previous ones demonstrating collapseAll().
It’s running latest version of handsontable (pro//bower_components/).

To see the correct, expected behavior:

columnSorting: true,

This will result in all headers collapse.

However, with

columnSorting: true,

On, the plus sign will be displayed as if those headers are collapsed but none of them actually are.

Tested in latest ver of both chrome & ffox - hoping for a fix or workaround asap.

Hi @kristie.payne

thank you for sharing the issue. I have replicated it.

It looks like calling the render() method or using the setTimeout did not help in this case. I am sorry but I do not see any workaround yet.

I have added this bug to our Github board for the devs to check it.

I will update you with any work that will happen on this issue

The issue just got fixed yesterday

Below are the resources

</style><script src=""></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">

And this is how you can download the beta from NPM

npm i handsontable@beta

I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.