Column Adding not working

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1aff87d0>

I am not able to add columns on left and right of the selected column using context menu

    <hot-table class=".hot-container" id="mainTable" class="hot" [colHeaders]="columnHeaders" [rowHeaders]="true" [columns]="columnNames"
        [data]="data" [contextMenu]="true" [manualColumnFreeze]="true" [comments]="true" [mergeCells]="mergeList"
         [manualColumnResize]="true" [manualRowResize]="true" [filters]="true" [dropdownMenu]="true" [hiddenColumn]="true"
        [settings]="settings" licenseKey="non-commercial-and-evaluation">
    <ng-container #table></ng-container>

Can you please help with this

Hey @thakurshivam100

I see that you use columns. If you have a defined set of columns you will need to take another approach to add columns. You need to update the columns array via updateSettings method.

Can you share an example how to link updateSettings method with the add column option from context menu in angular

Sure. Here it is
The most important thing is to get the right reference to the instance.

Hey @thakurshivam100

how’s the progress?

I guess that we can close the topic.
If you would need anything please feel free to open a new topic.