Column order

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1e299b08>

Is there a way I pass a column order to HOT?

ok, for anyone looking, I found you can do this with persistentState: true

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Hey @hossein.ghavimi

Can I help you with anything else or we can close the topic?

Yes Aleks, how can I access an array of columns that’s held in persistentState local storage? I need to get the column order after columns have been sorted.

Hey @hossein.ghavimi

only rows can be sorted, not the columns. Do you mean manualColumnMove (moving columns)?

Sorry, I meant when I move columns I can use persistent state to remember the order after page refresh. So then the order of columns has changed, and I need to be able to know what that new order is so I can set up some other UI accordingly.

persistentStateLoad is used to load the state of columns. It is not pushed outside. You can check if it kept in the plugin but there’s no official method to get the current order of columns.

ok, thanks Aleks