Column Sorting with Pagination

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c5ce5cc0>

Hi, we are trying to use pagination with Handsontable. We were running into issues with filtering and column sorting. We were able to fix the filtering issue after following your example from a previous post:

However, we are still running into issues with column sorting - it only sorts the data that the page is on, and not the entire data set (including the data from the other pages).

Here is the demo that I am currently working on:,index.js. Do you have any idea of how to implement a possible solution for this? I’ve tried a few things but nothing seems to work.


Hi @nick

As we don’t have official support for pagination it’s a tricky topic and it depends on your implementation but generally the column sorting will work only for the currently showed data. You can read more about other user cases (and possible workarounds) here:

Hi Adrian,

Thanks. All the links in this issue are not working so this isn’t really that helpful. Has someone created a demo with working sorting and pagination?


Hi @nick

I’m sorry, I was sure that I’ve seen some suggestions in that issue but there isn’t really anything useful there. I’m afraid that at the moment it’s not possible to make it work.