Column width autosize with minimum size

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e5ec98> #<Tag:0x00007efc64e5eb30>

Could you please provide a minimal reproducible example of a HotTable in React that sets a minimum column width larger than default (for example, 150px) while still retaining the default behavior of column widths automatically increasing to accommodate larger entries?

It seems that setting colWidths disables autoColumnSize and it’s not clear to me how to accomplish the above.

Hi @tyler.davis

That is correct, and we have info about it on the documentation:

Using the colWidths option forcibly disables the AutoColumnSize plugin.

Those methods cancels each other when one is used.

Thanks for confirming, is there a viable workaround so that the AutoColumnSize plugin remains active but a minimum column size is enforced?


That won’t be possible, as AutoColumnSize takes control over the column width settings.