Column width too narrow when stretchH="last"

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60b48c60> #<Tag:0x00007efc60b48ad0>


I’m using stretchH=“last” option to fit the table to the parent container width.
However, when the parent container is shrunk, the last column width gets narrower until it is almost invisible.

Is there any way to set the minimum width for the last column? I’m aware that the min-width feature is not available right now. But some alternative so that I can calculate the container width and set the width manually would be fine.

For some reason the direct link to the StackBlitz code snippet does not work so I have pasted the link to the Handsontable example.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click the highlighted handle and move right until last column is barely visible.
  2. Make container smaller and horizontal scrollbar will appear

Hi @hjeong1200

Setting minimum column width isn’t currently possible. Handsontable isn’t responsive in such way, and you can either stretch the columns to fill the viewport, allow to resize them manually within the container width or set fixed width with the colWidths option.