[Community] How to filter both rows and columns with enabled data binding

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dd57c58>


I have a two-dimensional matrix made of checkboxes and rowHeaders and colHeaders where some of the checkboxes are readonly. The readonly chechboxes are where the Id of object (the number after Row or Col) are equal. The picture is viewing what I have already. I only can use community version of Handsontable.

To filter columns and rows I hold two lists of indexes which should be displayed. For only filtering rows I used modify row hook. For only filtering columns I changed whole data property of instance of handsontable.

My task is to make column and row filtering at once. This is a problem when I combine it, when i use only filtering rows or only columns I can do it without much problems and everything works. When I combine it the data behind it (list of list of bools) is not updated. Can you give some ideas how can I make it without rewriting whole data binding process?

Hey @kipic96

maybe you’d like to use the search API https://handsontable.com/docs/7.0.0/demo-searching.html
and exclude the rows that do not have a cell that is highlighted.