Conflicting search results regarding vlookup

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1e28d678>


I’m looking to use VLOOKUP in handsontable. So far it’s giving me a #NAME error. Researching whether VLOOKUP is supported I got conflicting results:

Here support for it is merged:

VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP support by vudknguyen · Pull Request #1 · handsontable/formula.js · GitHub

And here you mention that it is not supported:
Vlookup - Getting help / Questions - Handsontable Forum

Can I get some clarification? is there a way to programmatically add it from formula.js ?

Hi @roudytarabay,

handsontable/formula.js is just a collection of functions. Before Handsontable does calculations, we have to parse formulas from text value into the recipe, what we have to do, what function we have to use to execute calculations - to do that, we built hot-formula-parser.

If SUPPORTED_FORMULAS in hot-formula-parser does not contain these formulas as supported, then the parser does not recognize =VLOOKUP(...) or =HLOOKUP(...) as formulas.

At the moment, we do not invest time in working on those tools, due to we focus on our new formulas engine HyperFormula and its plugin for Handsontable.