Contextual menu not accessible on last rows

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b267ab788>

There was an old issue in forum.
In my app I’m displaying a map in a contextmenu and at last rows the map is cutted. How can I avoid?

 contextMenu: {
     items: {
           "map": {
                  name: function () {
                      const last = this.getSelectedLast(),
                      id = 'ID_' + hot.getDataAtRowProp(last[0], 'id'),
                      html = '<div id="'+id+'" class="qmap" data-latlng="'+latlng+'" ></div>';
                      $('.qmap').each(function (e) {
                         const self = $(this);
                         const latlng ='latlng').split(','),
                         L.mapquest.key = MAPQUESTKEY;
               , {
                             center: latlng,
                             zoom: 17,
                             layers: L.mapquest.tileLayer('map'),
                      return html;  

Hi @Knoeterich

Based on that piece of code, it will be hard to tell why this happens.

Would you be able to share the app via JSFiddle?

Hi @Knoeterich

I just wanted to ask if you had time to prepare a demo?

I’m closing this topic as there is no reply for 3 weeks.

Please contact me at if you still have any issues or seek guidance