Controlling the cursor when a cell is going into edit mode

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9b6e4e8>


Say i have a date in a cell written as 2017/08/01 in view mode.
When the user clicks to edit it, they want to change 08 to 09, the lick in the center of 8 and /
When the cell goes into edit mode, it places the cursor right at the end instead of between 8 and /

There is a fair amount of expectation of HoT behaving like excel (and for good reason), a client pointed out this as one of the differences which was tedious to work with.

Would be a great experience change.


Hi @hassan

I will try to check in on Monday

Hi @hassan

can you send a demo with your recent progress?

When the user clicks to edit it, they want to change 08 to 09, the lick in the center of 8 and /

I am not sure if I fully understand this requirement. Do you want to change 08 to 09 if the value has a decimal point above 8.5?

It’s actually much more trivial than that. I’m attaching a video to demonstrate the specific behavior in excel. Notice the cursor placement in edit mode when it switches to edit mode.

UPDATE: unfortunately i cannot attach video files. Here’s the link from gdrive.

You should be able to do the same change in Handsontable. However as we, additionally, have a calendar it steals the focus.


Notice when you go into edit, the cursor is at the end, and you have to MOVE it with a second click to do the change you did.

My user wants to not have to do that second click between 0 and 9.

Yes, you are right. We do not have any API that will allow developers to change the way the cursor is being positioned in the editor.