Convert Excel to Handsontable (BETA)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b711a98>

I need to convert excel file in handsontable
I found this link that do this feautre, but we can’t see te code for parser data excel and to build a payload necessary for the table.
There is a way to have it ?
Thanks a lot.



As mentioned in the email the Labs project is a separate functionality that is not a part of Handsobtable feature set. We are working on providing this functionality outside any table but the project is pretty long and complicated.

If anyone is interested in this subject please write me at and I will subscribe you to the waiting list for this project.

I anyone is planning to participate in WebSummit this year we’re there to talk with you at stall B309 on Tuesday (6th, Nov, 2018).