Copy and paste of row or column not working in read only table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64b6da98>


I have an issue when I set a table to be readOnly: true.

If I click on a row or column header and then do a cmd -> c I would expect the selection (entire row or column) to be copied like it is in write mode, however the copy paste action doesn’t seem to work.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? for a demo.


You should be able to copy the content but you cannot paste it anywhere in the table.

If you would like to paste data but block the editor you can use editor: false settings

Thanks for the reply. To clarify, the issue is relating to copying the content out of the table onto the clipboard rather than pasting into the table itself. It seems to still be an issue in editor: false mode. Whereas in full edit mode it works perfectly.

Ohh yes, I see what you mean now. The header is the key here and it breaks the copying. You are completely right here. This should work.

I have reported the issue here and will let you know as soon as it is fixed.

Great, thanks.

Fixed in 7.0.2+ please update