Copy Paste event beforeCopy

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc62571a88> #<Tag:0x00007efc625718a8>

We have a scenario where we want to require/control what cells are selected prior to a User starting a Copy - basically if the User is copying Column X we also need to have Column X+1 copied. I cannot find an event or place to make this check/additional selection; one thought would be to have a beforeCopy event that can be captured and the selection modified prior to anything going to the clipboard. Am I missing these events, or is there some other way to accomplish this goal?


Hi @dvomsaal

Thank you for contacting us. Did you try with our beforeCopy hook? I think that should work with combination of selectCells method:

You would have to programmatically select the cells within the additional column so they can be added to copying operation.