Copy Paste is not working on Mac but working on Windows lappi

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b8f488d0> #<Tag:0x00007f51b8f48718>

I am using Handsontable, more then 2 years & from 1 month we are facing an issue while copy & pasting excel file to handsontable. Pasted data is visible on Windows but not on Mac.
We are using ‘^14.4.0’ version of handsontable & @angular/handsontable. Also tried 14.6.0, 14.6.1, 14.4.0. But got same output.


Pls help us.

Hi @aman.mandhanya

Thank you for contacting us. I checked copying values from Excel on my Mac and everything works fine. Can you please check in that example?

Additionally, if the problem occurs only with a specific configuration, please modify the example above and share it here.