[GH-DEV1854] Crash when removing columns in formula spreadsheet

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b5316740> #<Tag:0x00007f51b5316600>

I found a bug which causes handsontable to crash when removing a column after inserting a formula.

This are the steps to reproduce it:

  • Create a HOT table 20x20 using Hyperformula as engine.
  • Add any value to cell A1
  • Add a formula like =A1 to cell D4
  • Remove column A using the context menu.

Here is a video demonstration:

And here a sandbox with a basic table:


Its probably related to this: [GH #10569] Adding columns after insterting value throws error

Thank you for sharing this issue report @nicola

I see that this is connected to DenseStrategy just as the one you reported at [GH #10569] Adding columns after insterting value throws error (which we discussed with your colleague today morning).

I will create an internal report for this issue, bind it to the one we had before, and update your colleague before the weekend via email (as promised).