Getting help

Questions Having trouble making Handsontable work as you'd like it to? All Handsontable-related questions should go here! Issues If you have a problem with Handsontable, report it in this section. Feature requests If you have a suggestion for a new Handsontable feature, tell us about it!
Topic Replies Activity
While building and running the project, the copy-paste functionality is not working, even though it works as expected in the local React JS environment 4 26 July 2024
[GH #2305] Dropdown key value 34 26 July 2024
Allow cell value copy at readonly 5 26 July 2024
[GH #2013] Undo fails to retrieve some data if the data is array of objects 2 26 July 2024
afterGetColHeader called when updating state external to the component 4 25 July 2024
Error add column in table 2 25 July 2024
Testing Cell Input With RTL (React Testing Library) 3 24 July 2024
Save or load all user's settings in context menu 6 23 July 2024
Text Box Beside Button? 3 23 July 2024
manualRowMove plugin 6 23 July 2024
[GH #1995] Performance Issue with Handsontable v14.4.0 on initial render 5 22 July 2024
Merge Cells get Null Data 4 19 July 2024
As I need to make the entire row as readonly which is subheading 9 19 July 2024
`_refreshBorders` Undefined After Upgrading to 14.0.0 7 17 July 2024
Row Freezing is not working 5 18 July 2024
CTRL + Enter not working 4 18 July 2024
FilterMenu Value does not work with Modal 4 18 July 2024
First row fixed 7 18 July 2024
How to add row in a empty table 7 18 July 2024
[GH #1975] Sorting issue with HandsonTable when using the compareFunctionFactory function 8 17 July 2024
[GH #2000] handsOnTable formula 15 17 July 2024
Horizontal scrolling breaks table alignment 5 15 July 2024
[GH-DEV1889] "Drag" fill (Autofill) creating incorrect errors 15 12 July 2024
How do you disable the default looping behaviour? 5 12 July 2024
manualColumnMove and adding a column 4 23 July 2024
How to add new columns based on new input from users which is stored in a list 5 23 July 2024
Ho to allign test left on row header 5 11 July 2024
How copy styles from excel or spreadsheet using CTRL + C / CTRL + V 5 23 July 2024
Clear column filter instead of clearing all the filters 5 11 July 2024
[GH #734] Issue with Collapsing with React re-rendering 5 10 July 2024